Jewish Holiday Calculator
Enter a Gregorian or Hebrew Year below to display the dates for Jewish holidays for the given year, or click
"Show Upcoming Holidays" to display the holidays upcoming within the next year.
Today's Date:
Next Major Holiday:
Hebrew date cannot exceed Sivan 9, 279517.
Gregorian date cannot exceed September 12, 275760.
Hebrew date must not precede Tishrei 1, 0001 (September 7, -3760)
Gregorian date must not precede September 7, -3760 (Tishrei 1, 0001)
Selected Hebrew date is out of the range for the selected month.
Selected Gregorian date is out of the range for the selected month.
Please note that dates before the adoption of the Gregorian calendar in 1752 may be innacurate.
TorahCalc does not take into account the advancement of 11 days between 2 September 1752 to 14 September